Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Wind That Blew My Heart Away

I'm not very good with directions.

Never have been, it's just a fact. Give me landmarks and familiar things and I'll be fine but tell me to keep going forward and I can't do it. But what happens when all the familiar landmarks give way and fail to be there anymore? They've somehow moved, or perhaps I'm just not looking hard enough? I don't know. I do know that I can't find my way like I used to. I'm not complaining, really, just asking myself why. Did I change my ways? I know that being with her changed me, not always for the better, but changed me enough to where I can't find where I want to be or go? So should I stay put or keep wandering around and hope to find what I'm looking for? Wait for someone to find me or hope to bump into them on my way? Perhaps I should stop asking questions and just act. But just like not being good at directions, being decisive isn't exactly one of my strong points. I guess I'll find my way eventually. I'd better.

I think we could make eachother happy.

But I'm terrified.

-I used to cry out in the middle of the night
Baby hold me tight but there was no one beside me when I opened my eyes
Now I turn the corner of those days and nights
Something inside me changed and I think I might be starting over
I don't wanna run 'cause you might be the one-